Nissan Skyline 2000-GTR Modified
In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

In game capture

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

Rendered in Substance Painter

GRID | Official Launch Trailer [UK] | #LikeNoOther

Copyright© Codemasters.

I was responsible for the creation of the Modified Nissan Skyline 2000-GTR. This includes exterior, interior modelling, texturing, LODs and application of the "Hero" and "Disrupter" team liveries. Additional Liveries by Nandor Kiraly, Chloe Fleetwood and Kevin Thomas.

Grid vehicle team:
Nick Philips
Dermot Murphy
Mitchell Roach
Nemanha Knezevic
Patrick Herbison
Thomas Widdowson
Craig Dower
Marco Pennino
Will Prichard
Chris Elliott
Samuel Bruce (Me)
Adam Slavik
Christopher Cullen